
Thank you for your interest.
This website covers all aspects of my acting career. Here you can find out about my performances in theatre, film and television, a little about my training at 'Central', my work in education and (most importantly) who to contact should you want to employ me! My professional acting CV can be found on Spotlight which you can access by clicking on the Spotlight logo.
Current projects include:
Providing the narration for Caudwell Children's 'Butterfly Ball' fundraising video screened at Indigo at the O2, London in May 2023 - Over £1.8 million raised on the night!
I voice the character of the Captain in Fireblade Software's game Abandon Ship which is available now on Steam (PC/MAC/Mobile)
For all acting enquiries please contact:
Miriam Chinnick at Davis Gordon Management
Email: info@davisgordon.com
Mobile: +44 (0)7989 306252